The Thought


Learning is to see the whats and ask the whys, to probe the uncertain for fact, to discern the difference between lies and facts, to be able to do after understanding the hows, and to be allowed to learn freely.


Teaching is to help pull out the potential in the learner affirming the learner's nature given abilities, therefore, the teacher must be open minded, objective, unbiased and encouraging while teaching.

Talk to Son

Talking of my feelings is communication in the family to understand each other. I'm proud of you simply you're a good son. No demands except being: brainy, integrity, scrupulous, Definitely help, worries and missed just wanted you happy.

Play Ball Tennis

Psychology throughout the game Score scenario tactics Individual vs. team competition Weakness vs. strength

Imperial Dictatorship Madness

The 'overnight' economic crackdown policies and this 'common prosperity' are proofs of imperial dictatorship madness, but then it's the trend of the empire falling from its peak.

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