Thoughts by trekker28 (29)


物極必反 好人有好報,壞人有報應。好人有安慰,壞人有天收。 留得⻘山在,那怕無柴燒。 對得住良心 不問點解有 E D 人,知道有 E D 人。

Covid-19 Dreadful Fear

It is not the covid-19 virus that I worry about getting infected, it is the dreadful fear of being locked in depriving my freedom in the name of pandemic control. The even more dreadful fear is the creation of the virus pandemic for authoritarian control on the people.

Tennis Play Ball Psychology

The way I have experienced in playing tennis for these many years has somehow convinced me that it is the actual reflection of reality.

10 Things of Happy Me

Live in the moment Nature Myself first Emotional support Be bold, try new things Self reflect Do things outside of personal confined Do things I like Not compare Workout routine

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